The Country Doctor maintains a variety of hours.
- Hours are by appointment
- Weekday hours may vary.
- Appointment hours Monday-Friday 7:30-2:30 and Saturday 7:30-11:00.
- Lunchtime hours are available most days.
- Some days will have earlier hours and later hours, depending on the time of the year.
- Dr. Mitchell usually sees inpatients prior to the AM office hours and after the PM office hours.
- Closed Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and New Year's Day.
- Phone calls will be returned the same day, if received during hours of operation.
- Emails are returned the same day or within 24 hours of the email.
- Saturday morning hours are available**
We can be contacted at (618) 277-3197 for appointments, directions, and routine questions. The after hours contact method is to contact Dr. David Mitchell through the exchange number for urgent questions from established patients, physicians, hospital workers, and pharmacists at (618) 277-3214.
- Please note that we are using two of the phone lines for appointments on weekdays. From 8-noon you can call 277-3197 or 277-3214 for appointments and general questions. After noon on weekdays, 277-3197 is the contact method for appointments and general questions. Messages are accepted at 277-3197 Monday-Saturday and will be returned during regular hours.
**Saturday hours are available to patients who have a good show history and no outstanding bills.
*Clicking one time on any of the links will take you to the referenced web page.
The Country Doctor, Ltd.
2310 Country Road
Shiloh, IL 62221-2570
Voice (618) 277-3197
Exchange (618) 277-3214
Website created by Dr. David Mitchell on his home-built, Power Macintosh Computer