Welcome To The Country Doctor

Appointments (618) 277-3197
Weekday AM Appointments and Exchange (618) 277-3214



Frequently Used Phone Numbers for Patients & Physicians

Welcome to The Country Doctor, Ltd. Our address is 2310 Country Road, Shiloh, IL 62221-2570. The voice number for routine questions and not for advertising purposes is (618) 277-3197. Our after hours exchange for established patients, pharmacists, physicians, and hospital workers is (618) 277-3214. Patients with true emergency illnesses should dial 911 and/or find a safe way to the nearest emergency department.

Please note that these centers are listed as a courtesy to our patients. Since The Country Doctor is one of the few remaining independent practices, the list includes locations from all areas of the community:

Labs and testing centers
Drug Addiction Treatment Centers
Outpatient Physical Therapy and Pain Management Centers
Home Health Centers (also available through the hospitals)
Hospice Agencies
Hospital Addresses
Links to the rest of The Country Doctor's Web Pages


Lab facilities, with some including X-ray and other diagnostic tests: